Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November 22, 2023 P.M.

 I am trying to start a graphic novel! But I don’t know if I should wait till the new year or do it now I am so all over the map right now that I don’t think I should do it right now I should wait till the new year to do everything for the graphic novel! I said I remember getting some graphic novels today and I kind of lit of fire fire on my belly but I’m pretty interested in what the actual process is to make a Web tune and graphic novel. That being said is very interesting how some people make it so simple or so complex! That being said, that may have a fire under my ass! I might think of some ideas for graphic novels! I don’t know if they would go very well, but I just think something horror would be good as well. Something creepy and comedy at the same time that being sad I’m also also so of life person! That being said, I don’t know what I’m going to name the graphic novel. It started up as! They have a few ideas, but there might be other ideas in the future. We don’t know for certain. One is this that I might end up getting this Siren head I think I may run siren head to the ground! That being said, I’m very interested and creepy pastor and comedy at the same time but I don’t know how to go about this! Should Create my own script or should I create my or something to that effect I try so many times! But let’s see I am more familiar with Siren head. I see you probably with my past post! Which is very interesting, but I’m thinking I might do something like the shelterberts, meet siren head! I am still trying to go about that concept variable. Also couple of ideas I want to pick up on, but I want your opinion on them! I’m not sure how I end up taking a different direction altogether with my graphic novel so that being said, I’m very interested in seeing where this will take everyone loves siren head so I might try that instead yet again!

This is one idea siren head being  a friend of a little girl instead of instead of the actual monster, a different approach to siren head with face particular graphic novel, but I think creepy patches the best way to go. That being said, I enjoyed doing creepy pastures, so this one just be relish as an art form! I am actually getting better at drawing so siren had since the Last time I saw, which was in Port Elmsley. Trying to pick up a friend. That being said, that was very interesting on the last. I’ve been very good at creating slightly. Even the tattoo that I have has been silent handle with morning glories instead of sirens! That being said, I’m very interested in making a graphic novel about siren head, and the creepy pasta Lore that Comes with it. With a funny horse, like a Shelterberts! That being said, if you wanna know what the shelter bird are safe, simple, simple, graphic novel, that I had gotten on my birthday to myself after dealing with one of my exes. It was very interesting the graphic novel, and I read that didn’t like it read after my birthday. Enjoyed it. Now I read graphic novels From the Dollarama store. That being said, I enjoy finding stuff at the Dollarama to read that are actually graphic novels. The first time I ever went to Dollarama for any book needs, was to lead the following book by TJ Newman! That is an author, and a half I have mentioned her this is the first time I mentioned her written the book falling, It was about being hijacked outside of an airplane being said the pilot had a save the airplane or save his family. Sorry for the spoiler alert, but it was a very good book. It made me squeak a couple of times it was so good! That being said, she’s my hero’s For writing such a great book, even though she was reject 47 times! I also remember her, which is never give up on your dreams. That being said, I take that to heart very much. I also like to be able to read her other novel, which also involves an airplane! Don’t get me wrong, not nefarious I just have the element air in my soul! It is my alchemy symbol is error. That being said, I like anything about airplanes! To an extent! I don’t want to have nightmares! I love a good thriller!

This was my second idea was the wendigo or the Skin walker. Which is a Cryptid from indigenous American cultures. The one to go came from the the Elon, corn culture, and the skin cult from the Pueblo people’s, and Navajo. I think excuse me for using that word, but I meant indigenous people of America That being said, I enjoyed the Cryptids that they come up with. The idea that maybe one to go would be an interesting topic for a graphic novel. I don’t know maybe that next year resolution Might stick to siren head for this coming year and just stick to something that I know is something that I’m familiar with and very interesting with. Not that the one to go or the indigenous Cryptids are very boring or not. I enjoy these Cryptids as well as they’re part of creepy past. But, I might do that a coming year. I tried to do a collection of short stories last Month was called spider, but because of dramatic problems that were going on in my life at the time I had to put that on hiatus, I might just make a new Web account and done with it! That being said, I’m very interested, interested in creating another web and doing my own web toon Creating a siren head based web comic and Graphic novel take plenty of days to do plenty of days maybe 365 days for the siren head comic to come about! That being said, it will be under my legal name Elena Ioana Melanson! I always create under my legal name because it’s better that way my mother had given me the name Elena, So I should use it when I’m creating stuff in the first place and doing things that are very important to honour my mother when I create stuff in the first place. That’s why I write under the name Elena Ioana Melanson, my legal name! The name my mother gave me. That being said, I’m very interested in creating more this and that! That being spilled I don’t wrap under my leg name I wrap the name wickid! That being said that Name wicked comes from the idea that I have a wickid temper at times though I try to use it for a more better purpose!  I just try to create stuff when I get angry and instead of destroying stuff let’s just say when I was in love, I used to break stuff whenever I was in a bad spot. I think things that my parents gave me I would break. But now I don’t do that anymore! It was kind of sad to do that, but it was ones at the time. Now I guess three out of and create stuff that’s better than smashing stuff! That being said, I like to create even when I’m not angry or frustrated. Also, I started watching. Secret4studios the skibidi horror seires on you tube! That is giving me ideas for my graphic novel at the Skip is a little scary for web, so I might just go about throwing siren head in the story down north out. Someone hunting Sirenhead Sounds pretty good!

Also, I’ve been trying to get a hold of the back rooms movie even though it’s still video game that cost $11 on the steam account. That being said I just rather watch a movie and see what the game is like that way instead of spending up to an hour on a game that I might not play ever again. That stated! I might one day get my own laptop and see what I can do with that but But they’re still Barbarically expensive these days if I were to try to look them up, I would probably have a heart attack. Just a final one with a decent speed. Would be a pain in the ass. Also, I would like to try to find a laptop, but mostly at a reuse centre so I don’t have to spend so much money, Remind her, I got the OG trivia pursuit game without spending a dollar when you can get it at Amazon for 160 Dollars instead, which would be more barbaric than going to the reuse centre and getting it for free.

Also, we are still working on getting some Christmas decorations up so that being said that’s very interesting the TV service is completely full of Christmas decorations and it’s very interesting the see.

Little hard to Watch TV but actually fun to look at. To see that winter is coming and the idea of Christmas is coming is very fun not so much winter as it is Christmas! That being said, I enjoy Christmas a lot sometimes if I don’t lose someone that I love. The only other person I have to lose is my father, and we are not very close to begin with so…… That being said, it was my mother that I was close within the first place, and I was able to feel her presence yesterday when I was going to help with the Christmas decorations only to find that most of them were tangled up to begin with! I have A hell of a time trying to untangle things it’s one thing I have to wear high heels all the time because I can’t seem to get the idea of shoelaces and untangling them Yeah, I don’t know why some simple things just go under the radar with me and just drive me completely bad. But anyways Christmas is coming. I’m happy about that! Also I am working on a special project for a price with art! That being said, that’s enough send!

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December 21, 2023 - Yule A.M.

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