Also, I went to the dollar store to get some graphic novels. I’m a little bit of a nerd or I am a big of a nerd where I like to read comic books or graphic novels in this case. I am also trying to work on a graphic novel, but I can’t come up with anything out of my head except for tattoo ideas! Which is good but I also want to be able to come up with a graphic story of my own so I can post that on the Amazon and be happy. That being said, I am also trying to work on a graphic novel. As well that is one thing I’ve been trying to work on I might work more and earnest on that in the New year when I get something out of my head! Ie. my f*cking ex! Who is a total drama queen! Let’s just say straight guys are drama queen’s find. I don’t know why, but they just are and I’d rather not deal with them ever if I can help it but you can’t choose who you talk to sometimes but sometimes you can avoid a drama queen part! If you can help, you can avoid the drama queen part very easily but it’s sometimes a b*tch to clean up after a sh*t relationship! I have had too many sh*ts as relationships! What I hate with straight guys are the to the back stabbing and act like they’re bleeding! It sucks! As I said drama queen! That being said I might have found a potential boyfriend and he doesn’t seem to have a drama queen gene! But than again…….
As I was cleaning I was able to face some demons that needed to be adressed! One is My mother’s death is one I was just processing that before he came into my life. I don’t wanna deal with whatever again but I have to deal with my mom’s death and I think I’m dealing with it with the grace. It deserves now. Instead of acting like a drama queen myself, and blaming it on my mother’s death! I just didn’t have the chance even though it was a year after to process the emotions that I needed to process in the first place I was able to process most of them this morning and I will from time to time process them. You know, like when you upload something that says loading processing file well, that’s what my brain does most of the time, especially when it deals with the death of someone I care about. That being said, loading processing file……..
And the only way I can process that information if I just rather deal with online dating at least I have some time to my self to process the much needed demons in my life! Remember, your brain is like a computer in someways except it’s emotional. You can only process one file at a time even with me with my behemoth of IQ. I still have to take things slow when it comes to processing information or it’ll just end up getting into a sh*t show! I mean that behavior, or being a bad mood, or something to that effect that I’d rather not also add additionally, deal with. I.e. last bingo! That was a train wreck that I Intend on rectifying tomorrow when I go to bingo again! That is why I got some much sh*t today from the dollar store! I wanted to get some graphic novels so I can have something in case something goes south with bingo tomorrow. Either way it’ll be rectified and I’ll be able to enjoy it again! Or enjoy some from my house winning instead of being salty! I think I will be able to do things now since the interference is gone I hate to call the guy that interference. Another human being an interference, but in that case it had to be sad I had to process the emotions. My mother had left me for the past year almost 2 years and I just need to process that before I do anything else there is not tattoo or piercing related or job related! That being said Don’t interrupt me! I feel that it might be getting better the processing of my mother’s death, because it is now a year and half! Which is good! Last year I was a hot mess last year at Christmas because of my mother’s passing. That being said, I was not really tickled on the idea of having RSV was not really helping matters either!
Most of the graphic novels all three of them actually talk about witchcraft, the white witchcraft and the green witchcraft which talks about healing and doing good. That being said, I like to learn more about the craft! As I’m a baby witch, who owns a coven, I just started learning in the summertime when I started getting crystals from everywhere and anywhere! That being said! The Copious amount of crystals was enough for me to wander. Maybe I should be a witch. Do you know that you can be a witch without being Wiccan?! It’s true, It’s all about spirituality in the craft. I find is very important to focus on the craft like for me, crystals and nature and I’m also a cosmic witch! Which is astronomy based which craft! I have been more interest in nature, base philosophies, instead of dealing with the man-made philosophies of whatever religion is! That being stated you cannot debunk a tree or a crystal! If you do, you’re kind of a coldhearted SOB! and as a white green witch I am happy no one tried to debunk trees! If some tried I will be mad! I know I have brothers Who have the desire to debunk everything that this planet has to throw at scientists, which is kind of sad to think that you can try debunk a tree or to debunk the wind or anything like that matter it’s kind of aggravating this kind of nihilist aeithist That goes on. I think it’s important that you should just enjoy nature as it is!
Why can we not talk things at face value! If you see something! Is there! My saying.
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