Friday, November 24, 2023

November 24, 2023 Late P.M.

Well, this morning, it was colder than it is. It was cold enough to freeze out a piercing a body piercing that is. That being said, I was not really pleased to go out, but I was pleased to go to the book exchange box, or the mini libraries that are called. I found a bunch of good bucks, but these three were the ones that Stood out until they were rare. One is one that I wanted To read for a long time of The mountains won the once upon a time on is a rare book, and so is the RL Stein book that I found was pretty rare. That being said, I’ve been very happy with what I found there were other books that were interesting, a lot of fantasy and horror that were found in there. As you probably have known before I am very interested in a lot of horror and a lot of creepy pastures. The middle one is the untold story red riding hood I can’t wait to bite Into that one because it is so interesting. I’ve read the red riding hood based on the red riding hood movie. There was about 10 years ago and I read that it was pretty interesting and the movie was pretty good but my father was a stingy bastard so he didn’t enjoy red riding hood as much as I did but I enjoyed red riding hood! It was because my father was there. I had to read the book, but then there is this once upon a time read untold tale that I haven’t read before that I have to bite into that being said it’s very interesting where you find your rare. That’s where I find when you find rare things is when people decide to chuck them out the window. That being said, that kind of pisses me off that people would throw away rare things, and not know that it’s rare. How many times do I have to mention that you can throw out rare things make room for them if you find out the rare because I found in the past goddamn week coming up tomorrow I found a classic game of the original classic game of trivial pursuit, as well as a 10 karat gold ring as well  Then these books were there and I’m like these people are really getting Trying to avoid keeping things that might they made the money or at least make them happy. If they don’t make them money, they can at least make them happy for a little bit longer. But people are such jackasses! And then there’s other people like me who are willing to take in these things we are called pickers! It’s a slang for someone who takes rare items that no one else wants. They go Thrifting or they go to recycle centres or little libraries. If you want they find in the neighbourhood and find stuff that other people would be very sorry if they found out that it was rare! My journey started during the COVID-19 outbreak. I’ll be going to the streets just to see what people would throw out just for a chuckle to see if there’s any books there that might be interesting. Didn’t have to be anything good in condition I mean. But then I found some paintings, and I found a lot of other things that were very rare and I said why are people throwing these goddamn things out I mean if I had to throw something out it would be because it is causing me a lot of misery and a lot of pain. It doesn’t have to be physical pain just has to be emotional pain like for example, I threw out and am still going to be throwing out a bunch of Michael Bublé CDs because I I can’t stand Michael Bublé , my mother love Michael Bublé and Michael Stewart or Rod Stewart or whatever his name was I didn’t so that being said that doesn’t go in my room because this isn’t my mothers room she just floats around in my room as a ghost ! God bless her soul! That being said, I hope she finds peace floating around in my room, but I do have to get rid of some of the stuff that she would like because it’s exactly not her room it’s my room and my apartment so I want to listen to the stuff I like. That being said, I don’t enjoy Michael Bublé never did to begin with So and Michael Bolton and that I didn’t like I never really like that stuff. The only thing close to that that I like is speed wagon, which is a take it on the run singer I think that’s what they are. They’re very interesting. 

That being said, I’m throat, singing, rap, hip-hop, techno, whatever else that doesn’t sound romantic or anything like that I just don’t like romantic stuff Rod Stewart I don’t mind if I think that he’s the one Who did you think I’m sexy. That being said that’s the only one of my mothers that I can agree on that being said I don’t really enjoy much of the romantic stuff. That kind of stuff drives me bad. And I actually had the balls to I mean the ones on my chest to actually say what I had to say as a girl that I did not like Michael Bublé or anything I had to say something because this is getting out of control and I have to make room for stuff that I enjoy. when I meant the balls I mean the ones on my chest I think you know what they are girl! I mean they can get annoying at times, but they are still in the realm! I had to grow a pair to say that I couldn’t stand Michael Bublé or Michael Bolton. I think that’s him and some of those romantic stuff. That drive me nuts. It’s not that I don’t like lovey-dovey things. I’ve read lotta lovey-dovey stuff in my day. I’ve listened to a couple of the lovey-dovey stuff but as far as I’m concerned, I don’t really care for it anymore, because I don’t know what it’s like to be in love. I tried to find out was like to be in love when I was with the idiot. That being said, I wasn’t able to write too much today because I ended up talking to someone I’m not gonna say anything more about that but there’s a good energy there. I can tell that he has some good energy. He mentioned the same thing to me so that being said that’s gonna be very interesting so I’ve been talking to him all day, so I’ve been very  Busy at the same time bored. I should’ve been reading my book. 

I’ve been reading a graphic novel called ivy league, which is about cleaning. It’s OK I guess but it’s not the best graphic novel. If you know what I mean I the artwork but it’s not in my realm of them. I’m out of a witchy type as you can tell by the red Ridinghood books that I read my lifetime. Even though I’m old! (34 is not old but I just think I’m a little bit more mature than people my age) Also, I find that I enjoy a lot of different things. I like old music things from the 50 6070s 80s 90s and the early 2000 that being said that’s about the only, I think that died in 2007 Lady Gaga just played that dance or just dance I don’t know what the hell is I try to block it out as a traumatic memory! Do do do do I just can’t stand that but I do like her other music but the day the music died was on 2007 2010 that’s one died for me. And everything just went to sh*t! First of the day. Excuse me that being said I’d rather not use that kind of terminology but as I said I have had enough of the crappy 2010 2020s music that really don’t have any business being played. It’s their boring the good stuff they’re literally butchering the stuff like I feel good and stuff was a butchered version of blue out about, that was not anyone’s taste and then they bought the I’m a Barbie girl song which was not exactly my idea of good listening. Let’s just say Nicki Minaj is also a butcher as well when it comes to music. Doja Cat and Dua Lipa were not my favourite ones either, but I try not to be hateful towards other bands or whatever but then again I got a piece of sh*t too, I just dropped my first album it’ll be coming out and December 11, 2023 so I could be a piece of shit but I do not watch your other peoples music that’s just the difference between me. I am original with what I have to say I don’t mix Into anything I don’t make anything, and I certainly don’t but your other peoples songs that’s why we have copyrights people

So you don’t end up pissing off the other artist who are butchering. I mean butchering as in making out of their music when you’re trying to make it a piece of artwork, and it turned into fart work! That being said, I’ve been seeing a lot of that lately because of the lack of creativity. There is with the music these days whatever happened to Missy Elliott or something along. Those lines are old even she’s getting to be a pain in my ass! Although Shaya is pretty good with her, oh is pretty good with her and says what she hast to say, that being said, I don’t mind Samaya! I don’t know why it doesn’t say the first name, otep! But that’s beside the point that is the band that is the artist that listened to confrontation is one of her best songs I’ve ever  listen to! She also played a couple of other good songs she Is very good. There’s a lot of good art work in the world if you look for it Beyond The 2010 and then you’ll see that there’s more to life than Lil Wayne or gaga or Dua Lipa or something to that effect!

Come on people there’s a reason why I do a lot of reading. And book recording because there’s a lot of crappy music out there as well. That being said, I like hearing new songs that are old that are not butchered in anyway. I am a music snob and I have my own record player and my own CD player but I just need to walk in and then I’ll be happy to go around listening to my Music without having to hear other people as you would with Spotify so that being said I need a walk man ! That being said, I don’t usually say what I want his tattoo or piercing Related stuff and I just show the drawing that being said, I haven’t been drawing very much lately again. I’ve been too busy trying to get rid of stuff. One of them will be plenty of fish because that f*cker last night was a real sh*thead!

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December 21, 2023 - Yule A.M.

 This morning or should I say last night I don’t know what to say 3 o’clock in the morning the witching hour again and I woke up from a very...