I walk the line between good and evil
This apple's rotten, rotten to the coreGet up, get up, off your kneesGet down, get down, on the floor!I walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineBetween good and evilMy business is a little cloak and daggerI drink so much I don't walk I merely stagger!No you wouldn't listen & I don't blame youNo I don't blame ya!I walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineBetween good & evilMy rent is 65 a dayI can't moveYou know that's the price you payIs life all in vain?Starts off in my armOpens up my brainI'm already in the gutter -Next stop is the drain!I walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineBetween good and evilLive fast, die youngLive fast, die youngI walk the lineEvilI walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineBetween good and evilWhile others have been thinking about it - I've been there and backI walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineI walk the lineBetween good and evil
This song I did not create on my own. It was by alien sex fiend! The famous punk band is probably from the UK. This song says a lot about my life more than psychiatrist whatever, say, or the fact that I go to a psychic, sometimes even though I am psychic, I find that these words mean more with me when I come to my struggle between good and evil. That being said, I find that there is a lot of Fighting that’s going on. We all are fighting and we’re all walking the line between good evil. That being said with me, I am leaning more on good. But then again, I can lead the evil if I choose to be angry and negative! But instead, I’d rather just deal with life and a more positive note But I still walk the line between good and evil. That being said, it is very simple to go to the evil side and punch someone out or have whatever kind of behaviour you’re going to have. That being said is very hard to take a step back and trying to think things through. That’s why they say the line is a fine f*cking line. Also, I have been deemed to be Between good and evil, since I was in the Catholic school, I was not really an angel, but I wasn’t the demon or the devil himself if you were knowing him him, I was walking the line between good and evil! What they thought was evil was actually nothing compared to what they did to me or what they did do other people of other religions and stuff like that being said, I’d rather not get into that, but I do walk a fine line between good and evil when it comes to certain things, I only choose the evil when I find that someone I know is being Ostracized or geared that because of the differences and then I’ll let A rip! that is the only time I ever let her wrap is when I end up seeing someone who is obviously disadvantage and I will choose the negative side and punch the bad person out. That being said, there is something you might know about me I do follow At 400 Japanese code of honor, not bushido, but another form of code of honour that people don’t really think about the one that the Japanese mafia usually follows. That being said they were not always that bad they were walking the line between good and evil like I am! They are being said they were more of their trying to help people kind of group of people. They were trying to help other people and trying to make the world of the better place until some idiots saw their tattoos and deemed them as criminals, because they did not conform to whatever society has offered for them. This is being exactly the same way with me in my life where I’ve walked the line between good and evil I have no choice, but to walk that line because of the way society trees people I’d like to change that one day.
I find the society bullies are allow us bullying not just her children to children, but also to adults to other adults because they think that if you are unique in anyway that they will pick on you in any which way or form which is the unfortunate truth but that’s what society does. It doesn’t matter if it was in 400-year-old Japan, or the fact that it’s this day and age people are ignorant about differences. that being said, I remember one friend telling me that they said that I had a big heart. But most people would not know that because of my makeup or whatever because I would look like a whatever else like a gangster or something just like that yeah, who was considered a gangster called in the 1600s. That being said if you are different in which way or form you do walk the line between good you walk the line and it is a very fine line because sometimes when someone believes you and you want to go after them right away But then, you also have to think about the fact that you are going to get more crap and then you’re going to end up, actually being a criminal if you step on the evil side of the line and lose your poop! That being said, I find that if you wanna make the world a better place you have to start with yourself I find that to be exact. You have to help yourself before you can help other people therefore, you don’t have to walk this particular line in the first place! And I find that a lot of people choose evil. I.e. my last entry about the online dating people use that abuse that for their own purposes, and I find that disgusting. What I would like to do is make people aware of these shall I say freaks who use social media, and Dating size to spread their smutty Ideas in the first place where there be trying to ask for obscene photos of you or anything like that I find that is the cutest of evil second to terrorism that being said, I’m not gonna mention that word again for a while. That is why I think that T word, and the perversions in this world are also the cause of many Grady roles that have happened to the human race. As well as ignorance is not really helping very much some people say well ignorance is bliss! And then they meet someone like they have to take a note that reality is not bless! Sometimes that ignorance is not even bliss for me that I know what I’m doing sometimes when I’m getting into a sh*tty mood or that I’m just not in the mood to deal with certain people. Being said, I don’t like ignorance I find that that’s what’s driving. Most of my anger is perversions the T word I’m not gonna mention exactly what that word is ever again and ignorance those are the main causes of PTSD, and those are the main causes of why I throw a hissy fit! Not making any excuses I’m just saying that this is how I blow my stack and why I blow my stack in the first place because people are stupid!
Need don’t see anymore. Also, the money is the root of all evil. I also remember reading that on Facebook, but I also know that from my father send as well as he was saying that the root of all he was the love of mine. I remember hearing that so many goddamn times that if I see a dollar I want to get rid of it. I have to spend it to purge myself of whatever it might cause me, whether it be ignorance or some other atrocity that can cause problems in the world. That being said, I don’t like money. I like saving it so I can get rid of it out of bulk amount on a tattoo or piercing and then be done with that but other than that I don’t really love money I’d like to just get rid of on industrial Scale That being said, that means I blow all my money all at once save it up and blow it all and then I don’t have to deal with the money afterwards. That being said, that’s what I do with my tattoos money! Is that I get a really good idea in my head for a design and that being said, I probably have it priced or appraise for how much it’ll cost for it to be embedded in my skin! That being said, I find that the aggravation of money can cause a lot agreed. That’s why I try not to think about it too much.
It goes back to pink writing the lyrics of alien sex fiend Where you end up walking the line between good and evil there are many things that will cause you to walk that damn line. I’ll tell you that much. Mine was the fact that I was treated like sh*t so many times as a kid that I’d rather not friggin think about it That being said, that’s my demon, I face it every day when Ever I face disappointment or something that drives me insane that being said, or when someone’s in enjoy pissing me off! It is a very fine line and I have mentioned that there is one person that had mentioned try to choose positivity. It might actually do a lot better for you. She said that she learned that if she be more positive she learned that she has less things to get pissed off about! That being said, and when it comes time to being angry, she wouldn’t be as angry as she would, if she had not made that choice. That being said, I am going to be making that choice myself I’m not gonna repress my anger or anything I’m just going to, choose a better way to explain it without spraying it, or being rude or anything for that matter !
What happened was the person who told me the advice about being more positive? Said 10 minute shower and 110 minutes was over and I was writing a book. I ended up kinda losing my cool over something that shouldn’t have been really lost over. That being said, I could’ve said, I’d rather not take a shower tonight or something like that. That would’ve been a lot easier and more gentle. It is always going to try to that song by the aliens as I call it, the band I mean, and I will always take that to heart because you’re always walking that fine line between good and evil whether you like it or not even if you’ve lived a simple normal every day life and you’ve had no PTSD or anything like that it is very hard not to fall on either side of the goddamn Line particularly the evil line when you are tempted to do something like getting angry or something ! Or do something online like ask for NSFW pictures!
Those are the times I find that very hard to get it very hard not to get potty mouth where you end up swearing and stuff. That is very hard to do these days with all the freaks and what have you.
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